Spud made some objective rooms out of paper and foam. You can build them if you want.
File Downloads
The objective rooms are available in three interior colours, and each interior has three possible exterior wall colours.
The files are in PDF format (about 20mb each), and sized to be printed on 11x17" or A3 paper. Detailed printing instructions are on the first page of each PDF.
Assembly Video
I do not trust you to do all of this correctly without burning your house down, so I made you a TV show.
In this riveting multimedia extravaganza, I very, very slowly explain how to build your objective rooms with a bare minimum of loss of life.
Illustrated Assembly Instructions
For those who can't handle gazing upon Spud's body for nearly an hour, I'm also providing the instructions in my usual format of commented photos.
Tools & Materials
- Sheets of 5mm (or 3/16") thick black foamcore. 1 sheet makes 3 rooms.
- Scissors
- A sharp utility knife with snap-away blades
- Some pencils
- A metal ruler, at least 12" long
- White glue
- A bowl
- 3/4" to 1" flat paintbrush
- Hot glue gun with a few glue sticks
- Patience
Part A - Print & Cut Out Papercraft
- Download the PDFs and have them printed at any print shop. Print at Actual Size on mid-weight 11x17 or A3 cardstock.
- Use scissors to cut out four wall sections + the floor.
- Leave the diagonal-striped areas attached for now-- they come off later.
Part B - Score Walls
- Using a sharp knife, and guided by a ruler, lightly scratch both sides of the top edge of each wall. Just enough to break the printed surface. DON’T cut through the paper!
- Gently bend along the two score lines. The wall sections should end up as little tents.
Part C - Foam Prep
- This pattern assumes you’re using 20” x 30“ sheets of 5mm (or 3/16”) black foamcore.
- Using a pencil and the Highly Complex & Very Technical Measuring Device, measure & mark your foamcore.
- Walls: Cut foam into 2.5” x 20” strips. 2 strips per room.
- Floor: Cut foam into 10” x 10” square. 1 square per room.
- Use a sharp utility knife to cut out the foam pieces.
Part D - Glue Paper to Foam
- In a bowl, mix 2 parts white glue with 1 part water.
- Using a pencil, trace where a papercraft section will go on the foamcore.
- Two paper wall segments will go over each 2.5" x 20" foam strip.
- One floor will go on each 10" square.
- Use a 1” flat brush to coat the traced area with glue.
- Carefully place the printed papercraft on the glued area.
Part E - Cut Foam
- on top of each wall (in both directions), cut the paper on the edges of the marked triangles.
- Remove the paper & foam from the bottom inside edge of each wall. Cut through both layers on the marked line, then slide the knife between the back paper and the foam.
- Cut the paper and foam on the center line through each fold. DO NOT CUT the opposite paper.
- Gently bend backward.
- Cut the paper on the edges of the marked fold area.
- The hard part: Cut away a diagonal strip. The blade should enter through the paper-deep cut on the edge of the marked black area, and the point should scratch along the central fold.
- Cut out the floor. Then, cut & remove ONLY the paper from the edge of the floor-- cut through the top paper layer, then slide the knife right under that layer to life it off.
Part F - Glue Together
- BEFORE YOU GLUE ANYTHING: Dry fit everything to make sure you know where each piece goes. If something isn’t bending right, fix it BEFORE starting to glue.
- Glue a few panels at a time, while leaving the rest hanging off.
- Apply a line of hot glue in the track at the bottom of 2 to 3 sections of the wall. Along the same length, apply another glue line inside the angled bending areas you cut out.
- Moving quickly but carefully, apply the section of wall to the floor. Hold tightly until glue sets.
- Continue a few panels at a time until the wall segment is all attached.
- When you move to the second wall piece, join the seam together with more glue.
- You’re done.